[. . . ] 8+ AGES 15 2-5 PLAYERS TM Contents: 170 cards (34 in each colored set) and 5 reminder cards. Cards are numbered 1-5, in all sorts of different styles. [. . . ] You can go up (to get to 5 and snatch the stack) or down (to make a fatter pile to snatch). Shout "RATUKI!" each time you grab a stack and put those cards faceup on your score pile. If you have trouble getting rid of a card from your hand, you can place it facedown on your junk pile and replace it with another from your draw pile. If someone runs out of cards, they shout "OUT!" Everyone stops playing immediately. Scoring and Winning 1. Count the cards on your draw and junk piles, then subtract that total from the score pile. Now separate your cards into well-shuffled, single-color piles and play again. · If more than one player goes over 100 on the same turn, the player with the highest score wins. · If two players reach exactly the same score on the same round, it's a draw! Speedy Game Play a single round. [. . . ] Consumer_a airs@hasbro. co. uk www. hasbrogames. com TM 10130709A01 TM [. . . ]